Tip #1207: Check applied entity permissions in portals

Liquid is a great templating language adding flexibility to your Dynamics 365 Portal templates. However, as any abstraction, it hides some of the things happening under the hood, including some security filtering. Consider this fragment running on authenticated page: And… the count is 2 while expected to be the total number of contacts in this […]

Tip #1200: Placeholders, colors & lorem ipsum

Lorem Ipsum on dark blue background

To celebrate 1,200 tips I picked up a topic completely unrelated to Dynamics 365/CDS, as one cwshould. Well, sort of. I was working on some materials related to Dynamics 365 Portals and, lo and behold, I needed some placeholders besides qwerty asdf. Text As a placeholder text, you can’t go past lorem ipsum and the original https://lipsum.com. […]

Tip #1192: Quick Create for custom entities in Unified Interface

A cheetah uses a termite mound to get a good vantage point to look for the next meal. Masai Mara, Kenya.

Remember the problems with viewing custom activity in Timeline? The unified monster Do I need to sell my left or my right kidney to make the feature X work in Unified Interface? is back. This time, Quick Create was not showing up for custom entities neither for me nor for Guido “Future Olive Farmer” Preite. […]

Tip #1187: Automatically track all emails

Two women facing security camera above mounted on structure

Some housekeeping before we dig in. Firstly, the tip is from Mohamed “iProperty” Mostafa but since I was instrumental in rejecting all of his ideas, I’m taking part-credit for it. Secondly, the full title should be Automatically Track All Incoming and Outgoing Email Messages in Dynamics 365 without opening Outlook and across any device :: […]

Tip #1173: Who needs VBA? Skype for Business, that’s who!

Angry man in a foetus position

This post has soooo nothing to do with Dynamics, it’s not even funny. You know what else is less funny than not funny? When you have 20 minutes before an important Skype for Business session where you’re presenting but any attempt to upload the presentation is met with this: In case the picture is too […]