Discover how to effortlessly access the latest Plugin Registration Tool and Configuration Migration Tool directly from your console.
Discover how to effortlessly access the latest Plugin Registration Tool and Configuration Migration Tool directly from your console.
Creating an app user is now as simple as running “pac admin create-service-principal” command.
Dealing with Dataverse translation file? Never delete columns. But you are free to delete rows and tabs.
Using Power Automate to import data into an existing SharePoint list is fairly straightforward, except when the data isn’t very clean. For instance, if a number column contains blank values or some non-numerical garbage, SharePoint connector will flip out. OpenApiOperationParameterTypeConversionFailed The ‘inputs.parameters’ of workflow operation ‘Create_item’ of type ‘OpenApiConnection’ is not valid. Error details: Input […]
We all enjoy flexing our Dataverse or Dynamics 365 skills from time to time. Many of us have meticulously crafted a demo instance from proverbial stone and blood. However, one of the challenges is keeping the data up-to-date. There’s nothing worse than displaying 20 tasks that are all overdue by four months. Fortunately, Dataverse offers […]
Today’s tip is from Alex McLachlan (@alex_mcla), saving the day (no kidding – I used it the very next day after receiving the tip). You can be a hero too by emailing your tip to jar@crmtipoftheday.com! With the classic import experience, you couldn’t use a CSV import containing an Alternative Key column to update existing […]
I’ve tried all the right things: Created, deployed, and configured custom connector into the target environment before importing the solution that uses the connector. All tests pass. Created a manual Power Automate flow as part of the solution. Shared the flow with the user (should not need to for the solution flows but just in […]
Let me start 2022 slowly, with a tip how to avoid annual cleanup. It all started with this email: Darn, I completely forgot about those folders and big thumbs up to Richard for reminding me. Richard is one in a million though, most would simply ignore the shared folders. Until such time when you drop […]
B2B collaboration is great. For example, you can share a canvas app with guest users or invite users to use with Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration . One of the steps in the process is adding B2B collaboration users in the Azure portal. But when you try adding a license assignment you maybe faced with […]
It’s good to be reminded every now and then about the features that have been around for a long time and are documented but somehow any question from the business about them draws a blank and ubiquitous “I have to get back to you”. Today’s reminder is from Ankita Chavan. (Do you use a feature […]