Tip #1160: Bring up client performance center

Hidden door in a library

I’m known to be a bit verbose but at the same time I personally like the tips that are like nuggets – small, shiny, and mostly invisible. This tip comes from Natraj “Always Debugging” Yegnaraman (and you can send your nugget to jar@crmtipoftheday.com too!). Add perf=true URL param in UCI Unified Interface to display performance […]

Tip #1132: Performance of various instance types

Lottery balls

We keep hearing this question over and over again from the customers, consultants, and developers: Are production instances given any preferential treatment in terms of resources as compared to sandbox and trial instances? I thought it’d be a good idea to revisit the 4 years old answer as nothing has changed since then. As per […]

Tip #1079: Security Design Principles

We have a lot of flexibility when it comes to security in Dynamics 365; field-level, record-level, hierarchy, ad hoc sharing and so on. Sometimes, depending on the requirements, there are a few ways to skin the cat (such a violent expression). Whenever you are presented with a range of options to solve a problem, it […]

Tip #834: Avoiding SQL Server timeouts when deleting records

Night raid

Once upon a time, CRM wouldn’t delete records when you pressed the kill switch. It would mark the records for deletion and quietly eradicate them in the darkness of the night. But, hey, the said, we now have better servers, they said, and our SQL Servers are much smarter, they said, and gave us a […]

Tip #644: Async Dynamics CRM awaits you

Hanging minesweeper

Gayan “Performance Wizard” Perera hates waiting. Be smart, be like Gayan. For anyone who’s been waiting to get async/await support for the CRM SDK, you can now get a simple extension class from https://github.com/NZxRMGuy/crmsdk-async The downside with my one is that it’s a wrapper around the sync method – some people do frown upon this […]

Tip #609: Higher SQL compatibility level does not mean better

Gayan “Performance Wizard” Perera continues to live up to his nickname with another awesome performance tip. tl;dr Beware setting the SQL database compatibility level to a level higher than 110 on a CRM 2016 system. The scenario You have an entity with more than 5 secured fields. When the record is opened it either times […]