Tip #1089: User Delete Privileges Stretch Further Than You Think

This one was discovered by my KPMG partners in crime Fiona Whiteing and Jijeesh Kunhiraman on a recent project. As you may know, for a record such as a Contact, if I own the record, I can see the child Activities whether my security role gives me permission or not. I do not know if […]

Tip #1079: Security Design Principles

We have a lot of flexibility when it comes to security in Dynamics 365; field-level, record-level, hierarchy, ad hoc sharing and so on. Sometimes, depending on the requirements, there are a few ways to skin the cat (such a violent expression). Whenever you are presented with a range of options to solve a problem, it […]

Tip #1067: When two groups say “We want to hide our stuff but see everyone else’s”

Generally my policy is unless there is a REALLY good reason, all data in CRM should be shared. However, on rare occasion, there is a REALLY good reason. When you have one special group who want to hide their, say, Activities from everyone else, a well-placed Business Unit will do the job (either have one […]