Tip #1229: Use math to make your chart look good

Multicolored abacus standing upright

It’s Friday afternoon and the management asked you to create a quick chart illustrating your team’s bug handling pipeline. Easy-peasy. Step 1 – extract data from the Squash-A-Bug system Status Count New 4268 Under Review 1921 Planned 516 Completed 229 Step 2 – visualize it as a small dashboard: That…. does not… look… good… (tried […]

Tip #1227: Use CDS instead of Dynamics 365 connector in Flow

A hand plugging a wire into a network router

People have been reporting that Dynamics 365 triggers in Flow are not consistent. Sometimes they fire twice, sometimes not at all, sometimes they fire after a manual test run. There are some other weird side-effects I did not even look into. Why? Because of one of them quick tips. Where possible, use Common Data Service […]

Tip #1221: Need entity permission for dynamics lookup filters

person holding clear glass pitcher and pouring hot water over the coffee filter

Entity lists in Dynamics 365 Portals include a cool Metadata Filter feature that creates a faceted search over the content of your list. You can filter using text, ranges of values, lookups, optionsets, and even custom FetchXML filter. When you filter by a lookup, you can use a list of static values in your filter, […]

Tip #1219: Root and content pages will make you unemployed

Tree roots on the wall

You crafted a new page in your beloved portal. It’s a work of art. Apple will hire you as a chief designer when they see the page. You change Publishing State from Draft to Published and… Nothing. You wait 5 seconds, F5, still nothing. Ctrl-F5. Nope. Sign in as admin, navigate to /_services/about, Clear Cache, […]

Tip #1215: Automatically manage folder tracking

Colorful folders

Public service announcement: we are back from the Merry Year hiatus and straight to tipping. Tracking folders is a cool feature where you can configure an Exchange folder to be a tracked folder and optionally link it to a Dynamics 365 record so that any email landing in that folder will be automatically tracked and […]

Tip #1213: When you pushed that button simplified

Person pushing a button on smart watch

In tip #1213 we walked you through a long winded way finding out where and when the Flow button was pushed. It involved using lattitude and longitude of the user’s location and calling Bing Maps API. As it turns out, if you are only after the local time, there is a much simpler method. When […]

Tip #1209: Embedding canvas apps in model-driven forms

Assorted wooden frames

For those of us who were continuosly torn between canvas apps (on yer device, pixel-perfect, task-oriented) and model-driven apps (a.k.a. good ol’ forms, views, you know, all that Dynamics 365/CRM stuff), the wait is finally over. Embedding canvas apps in model-driven forms is now available as Public preview. First, the official part. Makers can now extend […]