Tip #1256: Get attribute of the first record from the list

Starting lanes on athletic field numbered 1 to 8

This is probably a super simple question, but I’m a super simple flow user. After listing records from D365 how would I go about retrieving an attribute value of the first result returned? Michael “Super Simple Flow User” Ochs I won’t name the person who suggested the following: Declare variables to store values. Include top […]

Tip #1255: Say hello to PowerApps Component Framework

A disassembled electronic device parts on a table

At long last we have that abbreviation sorted out. CCF PCF or PowerApps control Component Framework a.k.a. Goodbye Web Resources is now available for public preview. It sounds grand and does hold the promise of changing the way we extend PowerApps, both model-driven and canvas. Read the announcement conveniently placed within the new PowerApps Component […]

Tip #1245: Tops and bottoms in April ’19 Release

Tops & Bottoms book cover by Janet Stevens

It’s great to see the team advising us in advance about the upcoming features in the April ’19 Release Notes. As with any forward document, it is a living and breathing beast. Some features are being postponed, some replaced, new stuff added. Some of the late-comers are new FetchXML operators. How often you wanted to […]

Tip #1244: CDS connector may not fire in administration mode

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

We did recommend using CDS Connector in Flow (more than once, actually) and most of the time it works great. However there have been some reports that CDS Connector does not trigger in the sandbox organizations while working fine in production. Turns out, there is a good explanation, straight from the source: With the new […]

Tip #1236: Review RetrieveMultiple plugins before migrating to Unified Interface

Man looking into microscope

It’s not uncommon to register a plugin on RetrieveMultiple message and fiddle with the output, e.g. drop some values, add some calculations, etc. Chances are that you are changing the QueryExpression, and the plugin is working fine in the classic UI but you will have challenges migrating to Unified Interface. The reason is that in […]

Tip #1233: Make connections via quick create

Two connected boards emitting blue light

Anyone ever use any voodoo to make Quite Create from connections/stakeholders? Experienced customizer (pretending I am Joel – t.j.) If your question is how to make connections via Quick Create, I’ve created a custom entity that creates connections using workflow. You could show that via Quick Create form. Connections are useful but have notoriously bad user experience. We’ve been dealing […]