Want to compare dates in Power Automate without a fear to miss that birhtday? We give you 2 rules and 4 functions to deal with it.
Want to compare dates in Power Automate without a fear to miss that birhtday? We give you 2 rules and 4 functions to deal with it.
Remember the times when you wake up and struggle to figure out where you are or what time it is? Of course, you don’t. I personally can’t recall those because lack of space and time awareness goes hand in hand with the selective amnesia. We did create a flow to help you on those occasions. […]
Once upon a time server-side connections to Dynamics 365 / CRM were easy. Use username and password to connect and, if you are license-conscious, use non-interactive account. Users have timezones that can be set using personal options (for non-interactive, logon after assigning the license but before converting to non-interactive, and set the zone). The day […]
Sometimes it’s ridiculously trivial bugs that get in the way of implementing great functionality. Luckily, sometimes they get fixed. Gustaf “Surströmming” Westerlund reports from the field. In earlier versions of CRM (I have tested it in CRM 2013 SP1) if you added a whole number field on appointment and formatted it as a timezone, you […]