Tip #1151: Name that web client

Classic LP player

With so many upcoming and constantly changing features in the world of Dynamics 365/CRM, it’s no wonder that even the best of us are getting confused when it comes to naming things. Regardless of what interface is chosen, it all looks like a web client Mark “Globetrotting Kiwi” Smith: Currently what I hear used is […]

Tip #1145: Tracing in Azure Functions MkIII


This never ends. Shortly after I finished writing about tracing in Azure Functions, I found Daryl “Always Raising” LaBar explaining how to use ExtendedOrganizationService wrapper to easily capture everything in your plugin: Wouldn’t it be nice for debugging if your plugins automatically traced every IOrganzationService Request, along with the parameters and the time that it […]

Tip #1144: How to add business days

Walk over calendar

Over six months ago I got a tip from Sergio “Behind The Wall” Macías, part of the the driving force behind Spanish-speaking Dynamics 365 community, on how to create a custom workflow activity that adds business days to a specific date in Dynamics 365. In the essence, the calculations are something like this: The heart […]

Tip #1142: Tracing in Azure Functions MkII

Trace the numbers

When describing tracing  in Azure Functions previously, I dropped almost in passing that to capture .NET traces in Azure Functions is easy – just create your own TraceListener. I also added that the code takes a shortcut with log.Info and requires a bit of tuning like mapping logging levels from Connector to TraceWriter but those […]

Tip #1140: Get ready for October 2018 release

The future is clear

No, Microsoft didn’t invent the time machine (though you can buy one in store). As part of modernizing the way Dynamics 365 gets updated, the team has just released October 2018 release notes. Why did the notes get released 3 (and for some features 5) months ahead of schedule? So that customers and partners can […]

Tip #1137: Learn language and study API to simplify your code

Simple life

I already wrote about the benefits of learning new language features. Equally important is to understand what assemblies are available as part of Dynamics 365 SDK, how they work, what classes and interfaces are available, and how the edge cases work (basically, “what-if” scenarios, like “what if this is null”). This week I had “privilege” […]

Tip #1132: Performance of various instance types

Lottery balls

We keep hearing this question over and over again from the customers, consultants, and developers: Are production instances given any preferential treatment in terms of resources as compared to sandbox and trial instances? I thought it’d be a good idea to revisit the 4 years old answer as nothing has changed since then. As per […]

Tip #1131: Add some vector finesse to your Unified Interface App


We want our users to have confidence in the apps that we create and shove down their deploy. That’s not an easy task according to Steve “Mr SMB” Mordue who asks “How do we display our icon here, instead of puzzle piece in custom app? Puzzle Pieces do not instil confidence.” “That looks like a […]

Tip #1127: Don’t update auto number field

Locked boxes with the engraved numbers

We did mentioned in the past that most of the good inventions are driven by the laziness. Auto numbering the new records is one of those. Instead of manually looking up the next available number, calling other users to see if they have any intention of creating a new record in the next few minutes, […]