Tip #1125: Busy times and say .NYET to .NET

Busy hamsters

You probably have noticed a somewhat reduced stream of daily tips. “More like tip of the week now” you say and you’d be right. We’ve been extremely busy in the last couple of months: countless pints consumed in between awesome sessions at CRMUG EMEA in Dublin despite my inept organizational abilities, the inaugural BAD Masterclass […]

Tip #1122: Multiple tokens in cache

Golf balls in a bucket

If you are working with multiple user or app identities (e.g. for testing), and the code uses ADAL, and especially if the application is killed or crashes, you may occasionally get an error: multiple_matching_tokens_detected: The cache contains multiple tokens satisfying the requirements. Call AcquireToken again providing more requirements (e.g. UserId) Note that it does not […]

Tip #1119: How is From resolved to Dynamics 365 record


Mini Truckstop Today we have a stop with two Vikings (different countries though): Jonas “The Shuffler” Rapp and Marius Agur Hagelund Lind Jonas – Question Recently we have found a new (?) problem at a customer, where emails are incorrectly “connected” to the wrong sender. By what rule/rules does Dynamics 365 chose which record to […]

Tip #1114: Check scalability of your canvas PowerApp

Remote control

PowerApps are very expressive when it comes to data filtering, sorting, and other data manipulations. To maximize the application performance, PowerApps have a concept of delegation where PowerApps will delegate the processing of data to the backend instead of pumping data to the app for local processing. For your application to scale it’s important to […]

Tip #1112: Impersonate Azure AD users

Elvis impersonator

Developers are familiar with the concept of impersonating Dynamics 365 users. It’s easy – all you need to do is to add MSCRMCallerID header to your Web API request, and you’re done (assuming that you have prvActOnBehalfOfAnotherUser privilege). One of the typical scenarios where you’d want to use the impersonation when you have a web […]

Tip #1110: Don’t let your workflow emails go to waste


What is your first reaction when you receive email like this one Let’s see. Comes from someone with the name “Workflow”, has attachment and no body text, and refers to financial matters (payment advice/invoice/quote). Delete? Delete! Out of curiosity I did peek into the email just to see what kind of nasty attachment they sent […]

Tip #1108: Good news for Australian and New Zealand partners

Australia and New Zealand

I am not even going to pretend that I can match the eloquence level of some Microsoft announcements so I’m going to copy this one verbatim. In short, if you are a Microsoft Partner with expertise in Azure and/or Dynamics 365, and you deal with the government(s), read and take action. We are excited to […]

Tip #1107: Do not extend system users

Line in sand

Dynamics 365 Online is a great platform for extending almost anything including system entities like systemuser. While it’s easy to customize this entity to add some simple additional information about the user, e.g. charge-out rate, induction training completion date, latest lasertag achievement, etc, it may be not a good idea, after all. The problem is […]

Tip #1106: Developer Masterclass

Developer masterclass

Calling for Dynamics 365 developers around the world but mostly in Europe! CRM Tip of the Day is proud to present an inaugural Business Application Developer Masterclass. Even though the acronym spells “BAD”, it’s going to be good! Without further ado… Dynamics 365 Business Application Developer (BAD) Masterclass The new, Spring 2018 Dynamics 365 release is here […]