You don’t need an external service to create a fast, robust, and useful custom connector. In this post we demonstrate csv to json conversion and calculations or the aggregates. Source code is available: https://github.com/georged/code-connectors.
You don’t need an external service to create a fast, robust, and useful custom connector. In this post we demonstrate csv to json conversion and calculations or the aggregates. Source code is available: https://github.com/georged/code-connectors.
Creating an app user is now as simple as running “pac admin create-service-principal” command.
Can’t return the data type you need from a formula column? Do your homework then create a calculated column that simply casts to the correct type.
Dealing with Dataverse translation file? Never delete columns. But you are free to delete rows and tabs.
I often see makers declaring multiple settings in a Power Automate flow using a single variable per setting.
Instead, use Parse JSON action and keep your flows compact by combining all related settings in one neat JSON object.
To create an empty array in a Power Automate formula, just use json(‘[]’). That’s it — there’s your entire tip.
The product has been renamed at least twice since we talked last time about how to restrict the date picker control in now Power Pages. But most importantly that code, according to some reports, no longer works. Fear not, here’s the revised version that works perfectly well in Power Pages (it did 5 minutes ago, […]
Using Power Automate to import data into an existing SharePoint list is fairly straightforward, except when the data isn’t very clean. For instance, if a number column contains blank values or some non-numerical garbage, SharePoint connector will flip out. OpenApiOperationParameterTypeConversionFailed The ‘inputs.parameters’ of workflow operation ‘Create_item’ of type ‘OpenApiConnection’ is not valid. Error details: Input […]
We talk about security around Dataverse and Power Platform from time to time. We even dabble into platform agnostic security tips. Today is all about vendor-agnostic cybersecurity. Learn the fundamentals of identity management, zero trust, AppSec, and data security in this new 7-lesson open source course, “Security for Beginners” created by Microsoft Cloud Advocates. Each […]
WARNING: Niche L400 tip ahead. tl;dr If you’re expect primary column name to be tablename + “id“, add an exception for systemuser and team tables – both will come back as ownerid in custom API. L400 If custom API has an output property of type EntityReference then, for example, for account (or any other “normal”) table, the […]