Tip #1418: In-app notifications in model-driven apps

Welcome to inaugural video shorts where all human knowledge is compressed into the bites of 60 seconds or less, to be consumed while waiting for the paint to dry. In this episode we help Lisa to enable in-app notifications in model-driven Power Apps without any code using a freshly baked XrmToolBox tool by Ivan Fricko. […]

Tip #1417: Power Excel in SharePoint

You’ve seen us in Tip #1415 doing some Microsoft Graph abracadabra to call Excel functions directly from Power Automate. To do that we use Excel spreadsheet located on OneDrive for Business. Documentation mentions in passing that “You can use Microsoft Graph to allow web and mobile applications to read and modify Excel workbooks stored in […]

Tip #1416: Power Platform PowerShell module includes unapproved verbs

tl;dr No, Power Platform team didn’t sneak in any profanities into PowerShell module. It’s caused by the verb Apply, is by design, and can be safely ignored. Longer version I usually oblivious to any warnings produced by the command line tools. My attention is fully reserved for the word FATAL in Ferrari red (#ff2800 if […]

Tip #1411: Power Apps portal vulnerability checks using PowerShell

I’ve created couple scripts that quickly check if your Power Apps portal has a potential vulnerability in the portals I look after. OData Endpoint Probe This one is quite trivial and simply probes the OData endpoints exposed by the portal. Takes portal url as a parameter and lists all OData endpoints. Endpoint is marked as […]