Tip #1392: Missing entities in Power Automate

Missing piece

The classic “give me 5 minutes and I’ll whip a flow for you” did not start well. Users entity table was not there. Options Choices: It’s something trivial and I’m simply no longer worthy. ‘u’ is not an actual ‘u’ but Russian ‘и’ typed accidentally but in a weird font. It’s a UI bug It’s […]

Tip #1391: Content management in Power Apps portals

They said Power Apps portals are only good for building functionality. They said Power Apps portals can’t do content management. They said Power Apps portals do not support publishing cycle without taking pages offline. They. Were. Wrong. The Enabler Watch this video to learn how to use language feature in Power Apps portals to create […]

Tip #1374: Safely remove search box from subgrid

Royal Naval Reserve nurses at work in the operating theatre

Today’s tip is from AK. (Be like AK, and send your next awesome tip to jar@crmtipoftheday.com). Adding a subgrid to model-driven form in the maker portal brings the search box which takes an extra row. If you want to hide it, you may tempt to switch to classic and clear the Display search box. Don’t […]

Tip #1372: Synchronous Power Automate Flow on create/update of a record

Today’s tip is indirectly from Alex Shlega. Alex is very thorough in his writing so I was a bit surprised that his answer to running a synchronous flow from a webhook was a ‘no’. The reason cited was that CDS “execution pipeline” won’t wait for the Flow completion. Well, it will indeed not, but only […]