Tip #1459: How to bypass Dataverse plug-ins and flows in Power Automate actions

The image presents an adventurous scene where an explorer, evoking a 1930s adventurer with a hat labeled "REAL DEVELOPER," stands before a tunnel entrance, suggesting the start of a journey or discovery. To the right, a signpost with the word "LOWCODE" points in the direction of the tunnel, indicating that this path is a shortcut or a more efficient route. The surrounding environment is lush and verdant, with mountains in the distance and a clear sky above. An airplane flies overhead, contributing to the sense of adventure and exploration. The overall composition of the image combines themes of old-school exploration with modern software development concepts.

When you need to insert, update, or delete a large number of records in Dataverse, synchronous plug-ins can get in the way. Asynchronous plug-ins and Power Automate flows are triggered independently (out of process) but can be overwhelming for the system and can be throttled down. Did you know you can bypass either? Did you […]

Tip #1270: Table or view is not full-text indexed

Small green figurine of a toy t-rex

Today’s tip is from Marius Agur Hagelund “Viking” Lind (actually, I’m confused, perhaps it’s Marius “Viking” Agur Hagelund Lind?). Got a tip of your own? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. Cannot use CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed Mean SQL Server If you’ve ever got this error […]

Tip #757: Passing enumerated values to Web API

Passing values

Shiny Dynamics CRM Web API has a number of useful functions that you can call using simple GET. Like ubiquitous WhoAmI: https://notarealorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.1/WhoAmI, nifty RetrieveOrganizationResources: https://stillnotarealorg.api.crm.dynamics.com /api/data/v8.1/RetrieveOrganizationResources, or canny RetrieveDataEncryptionKey: https://yesthisisarealorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.1/RetrieveDataEncryptionKey. Some of these functions require parameters and documentation how to pass parameters is available. Except that the documentation does not explain how to deal with […]

Tip #663: Turbocharge your CRM to Power BI Connection!

Turbocharge your PowerBI Connectivity to CRM – Amaze your friends and strangers! Working in a hardened bunker deep on the mysterious island of “Advanta”, the Microsoft CRM team’s top scientists have unleashed a powerful new API for connecting to CRM. It’s known only by the secret codename “Instance Web API” and today your semi-humble tipster […]

Tip #450: System Settings – Previews Tab

CRM Online System Settings

As of CRM Online version 7.1 there is another new tab on the Systems Setting configuration window. The new previews tab is where the CRM Admin will enable access for their organization to some really cool new features – IFRAME in tablets, the Web API Developer Preview and my personal new favorite the CRM App […]