Tip #1408: When tomorrow comes in Power Automate

Letters from Scrabble game arranged to spell "You said tomorrow yesterday"

Ever wondered how to use Dataverse date filters like “Today” or “Tomorrow” when listing records in Power Automate? Yes, plonking in the entire FetchXML with <condition attribute=”enabler_stamp” operator=”tomorrow” /> is one way to handle that. The other is to use query function Tomorrow in the filter: Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Tomorrow(PropertyName=’enabler_stamp’) Here’s the catch: “tomorrow” is relative. If you live anywhere west […]

Tip #1407: How to secure Power Apps portal from making the news

Screenshot from Portal 2 game by Valve. Screenshot contains two robots from the in-game promotion video on cooperation.

You are a CEO of Rykita, a worldwide manufacturer of power tools used by millions. You wake up invigorated and ready for action only to see the news headlines “Rykita injures more than a thousand customers”, “Calls for Rykita to blunt their tools”, “Rykita customers bleed profusely”, “Users of Rykita tools risk infection if injured”, […]

Tip #1404: App secrets that last longer than 2 years

Pyramids Gardens, Al Haram, Egypt

Using service principals is the great way to ensure that Dataverse connections in your Power Automate flows are not user-dependent and nothing is going to break when the original creator’s account gets disabled. These are good step-by-step instructions: How to setup a Common Data Service Application User (and why) (I’ll give Nick Doelman a separate […]

Tip #1399: Dynamic ‘+’ email aliases in Office 365

We rarely publish tips outside of our cozy Power Platform bubble (more like a Zeppelin these days though!). But this one… THIS ONE… I’ve been dreaming about it since I’ve got my first email eons ago… It’s here now! Support for Dynamic ‘+’ Email Aliases in Office 365 – Customer Feedback for Microsoft Office 365 […]

Tip #1396: Multi-currency aggregates in Dataverse

tl;dr When using aggregates with multiple currencies make sure the business understands how the totals are calculated, how exchange rate is used, and why it’s a good idea to roll out your own calculations. Bring it on Multi-currency support has always been one of the staple features of …. eerrr … Dataverse since version … […]