Tip #525: Solution Export Naming Party Trick

The solution version number is often overlooked as an easy way of keeping backups of your solution separate as you configure CRM. You can number them according to a strict 4-part version numbering (e.g.,, etc.) but that’s relatively boring and tough to keep consistent. The most straight forward and easy to maintain method […]

Tip #489: Limitations of Retrieve plugins

Calculated fields is one of the best new features and is indispensable for simple calculations. Keyword here is simple. Range of functions available in calculated fields is limited (though it continues to expand from release to release). One of the “traditional” methods to add calculated field is to add a simple field and then create […]

Tip #471: What will stop your form from closing

Failed import using business rule

tl;dr Setting data validation error on the form level with Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification call will NOT stop form from closing, setting errors on individual controls with Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).setNotification, on the other hand, will. To achieve even better results, use business rule instead of the javascript. Slightly longer version Friend of mine pinged me to help with the script […]

Tip #462: Waiting for developer toolkit

CRM developers have been patiently waiting for Godo CRM Developer Toolkit that works with something better than Visual Studio 2012. Now being two version behind, it does not look like it’s coming any time soon. The good news is that, acknowledging both the demand and the delay, the team has been releasing the most important […]

Tip #461: Getting started with that mysterious USD development

Kamaji - the perfect call center employee

Not United States Dollars, I’m afraid. Unified Service Desk, the quite achiever in the Dynamics family, and the secret sauce to any successful call center implementation. In addition to having CRM (any version from 2013 SP1 up to CRM Online 2015 Update 1 will do), USD initial setup even for the development is very trivial: […]