Tip #28: Beware of autosave in your scripts

CRM 2013 introduced autosave feature that, depending on a specific scenario, could be really helpful. There is also ability to switch autosave off across the organization using Administrator > System Settings dialog. Unfortunately, this flag only controls form behavior when user explicitly edits the record. The record will still be saved if user navigates away […]

Tip #20: Use alertDialog and confirmDialog to display messages to users

If your javascript code is peppered with alerts and confirms, it’s time to stock up on the invigorating drink of your choice and rewrite. The reason is very simple – CRM for tablets does not like anything that blocks execution. New stablemates are alertDialog and confirmDialog – use them to display messages to users and […]

Tip #17: Search SDK like a pro

One good thing about local copy of the Dynamics CRM SDK documentation is that it restricts the search to the SDK itself. Local copy can be searched without usual distractions of online search like advertisements or third-party posts about SDK. Either 2011 or 2013 version of SDK can be downloaded, then installed and searched locally. […]

Tip #15: Auto refresh CRM dashboard

Some implementations manage fast-paced processes that bring fresh data to CRM every minute (for example, busy call center). Dashboards in these scenarios can be very useful, however they will age very quickly and potentially display obsolete information. While it is probably not an issue for the most end-users who drive CRM interface as part of […]