Tip #368: Keep your early bound classes lean

The convenience of early bound classes often overshadows the side-effects of using those. It is, indeed, very easy to write: CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:https://myorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:GeneratedCode.cs /username:”myname@live.com” /password:”myp@ssword!” then add generated file to the project and use syntax-checked a.accountname = “Acme Inc” instead of a[“acountname”] = “Acme Inc” (see what I’ve done here to demonstrate the usefulness of […]

Tip #351: Tracing for plugins and custom workflow activities

CRM Online continues to improve on the existing features, as Andre “I’ve got 88 in my handle” Margono noticed when looking at the tracing functionality. ITracingService was available to the savvy developers since CRM 2011, however, the catch always has been that trace is only available when things go wrong, exception kind of wrong. Enter […]

Tip #347: How to use datetime fields in WHERE clause

Gotta love user Q&A sessions, like the one at Convergence 2015 that I had a privilege to take part in. Questions from users are always refreshing, very often challenging and sometimes they are just the reminder that any small bit of information that one possesses is not necessarily the common knowledge. On this occasion question […]

Tip #324: Open a record using just ID

Open CRM record using console

Joel recently has explained how to find a record using id. Cute, very cute. Text editors. What’s next, vim? Want to be a real developer? Repeat after me: Open CRM in IE Press F12 Click Console tab Type Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm(“entity name”,”record GUID”) Press <Enter> and behold Is this hands down the best method? Let’s see what […]

Tip #312: Quickest way to add multiple fields

Texans are quick to draw, I hear. Today’s tip from Mitch “Texas Baby Oil” Milam just proves that. The absolute quickest method for adding multiple fields to a form is not dragging and dropping. It is double–clicking. Here’s how it works: Select the section within the form where the new fields will be placed. Using […]

Tip #295: New entities and attributes in CRM 2015

Julie “Nighteye” Yack asked the other day: Is there a magical list somewhere (that I have failed to find after half an hour of binging, or banging?) of new entities and new attributes on existing entities for 2015? Everhelpful Jim “Mr SDK” Daly chimed in: The metadata browser allows you to filter by entities using […]