Tip #288: Remove event handlers Texas style

Today’s developer productivity tip comes from Mitch “Texas Baby Oil” Milam. The fastest way to remove all of the Event Handlers from a form is to remove the JavaScript Library or Libraries associated with the form. Removing the library will also remove any event handlers (OnLoad, OnSave, OnChange, etc.) that have been associated with that […]

Tip #263: Avoid unnecessary plugin execution

Filter the attributes in Visual Studio

Inspired by our rather radical approach to enforcing development discipline, Andre “I’ve got 88 in my handle” Margono decided to pick on another sinful habit in development, this time within plugin development. Corporal punishment triggering behavior this time is to select all attributes as filtering attributes for Update message. Unfortunately, plugin registration tool that comes […]

Tip #230: Ban the browse button

Adding assembly references

I like German words. Take, for example, Spießrutenlaufen. If you like me, and don’t speak a word of German, you know, just by looking, that the word means business, the word means corporal punishment. I often wonder if ignorance of the developers can be cured by introduction of Spießrutenlaufen for coders. Function is longer than […]

Tip #219: You want the top one

One invoice only

One of the challenges of creating reports is the lack of real data in development environment. There is not enough Nancies Davolios to simulate real volumes. For that reason alone production organization is often replicated “back” to test and development environments. Reports suddenly come to life and designers can see 7-figures opportunities and otherwise empty […]

Tip #215: Computer says ‘no’

Well, this is embarrassing. Remember that flogging I unleashed on unscrupulous developers being disrespectful to LINQ, performance and humanity in general? I was basking in my own cleverness of possessing the knowledge of LINQ operators including magic Any: Yesterday I had a chance to use what I preached and this is what I got in […]

Tip #212: Getting a yes or no answer in LINQ

Say, you need to find out if your organization has any opportunities with the estimated value of more than a million dollars (that’s right, that’s how developers usually roll). No need to retrieve anything, just simple yes or no. There are many ways to accomplish the task, most of them, sadly, are as efficient as […]