Tip #798: CrmServiceClient and multiple instances

Reduce reuse recycle

If you are using Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient and relying on nuget to reference the assembly in your project (as you should) then you need to be aware of what seems to be an odd behavior but is, in fact, a bug fix. Run the following code: And get: Wait a minute, what? Same user and org? Despite […]

Tip #376: Stay with the versions

Latest CRM Assemblies on Nuget

Andre “I’ve got 88 in my handle” Margono reports from the development trenches: Based on the recommended practice to get the latest assemblies of Dynamics CRM SDK through Nuget I encountered one problem when I recently working on a demo with a CRM online instance. Tipp Jarr: the problem Andre has encountered is that when […]

Tip #230: Ban the browse button

Adding assembly references

I like German words. Take, for example, Spießrutenlaufen. If you like me, and don’t speak a word of German, you know, just by looking, that the word means business, the word means corporal punishment. I often wonder if ignorance of the developers can be cured by introduction of Spießrutenlaufen for coders. Function is longer than […]

Tip #194: When automatic update is not your friend

tl;dr Nuget is a great tool and a real timesaver but beware of automatic updates that can unexpectedly bring incompatible or broken builds of third-party libraries and that will, in turn, break your plugins or workflows. The real story or “I saw the whole thing” Friday, August 1st, 6:00PM All users logoff and CRM is […]