Tip #442: One WSDL to rule them all

WSDL is your best friend when you’re dealing with non .NET clients, e.g. Java, that need to talk to CRM. Historically, it’s always been a 2-step process: Hit https://crm/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc?wsdl and get a very small file back usually containing the line Hit https://crm/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc?wsdl=wsdl0 and get a complete file containing full definitions. Starting from CRM 2013 (or, […]

Tip #431: Avoid Silverlight when living on the Edge

If you ever wondered whether the move of CRM development team under Scott Guthrie is a good idea, now we have the proof. That’s right, details about the support for the upcoming versions of OS, browser and Office have already emerged. Some vigilantes, like Jason “Scintillating” Lattimer, have kept their cool heads and pointed out […]

Tip #426: Making intelli-sense out of plugin parameters

Browse object library

Our today’s tipster is the man himself: Tanguy “The XRM Toolbox” Touzard. Did you ever feel lost when you wanted to develop a plugin and didn’t know what keys to use in IPluginExecutionContext.InputParameters or IPluginExecutionContext.OutputParameters? Did you ever wonder why we do use the mysterious “Target” key when writing a plugin for Create, Update or […]

Tip #398: Careful with those .js libraries

After denting his table, Mehmet “Sputnik” Ozdemir finally decided to use his call-a-friend card. The problem? After attaching this trivial piece of script to the birthday field one would reasonably expect to select a date and see that selected value (+local time) popping up in a box. Instead, the returned value was null. Sometimes but […]

Tip #376: Stay with the versions

Latest CRM Assemblies on Nuget

Andre “I’ve got 88 in my handle” Margono reports from the development trenches: Based on the recommended practice to get the latest assemblies of Dynamics CRM SDK through Nuget I encountered one problem when I recently working on a demo with a CRM online instance. Tipp Jarr: the problem Andre has encountered is that when […]

Tip #368: Keep your early bound classes lean

The convenience of early bound classes often overshadows the side-effects of using those. It is, indeed, very easy to write: CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:https://myorg.api.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:GeneratedCode.cs /username:”myname@live.com” /password:”myp@ssword!” then add generated file to the project and use syntax-checked a.accountname = “Acme Inc” instead of a[“acountname”] = “Acme Inc” (see what I’ve done here to demonstrate the usefulness of […]