Calculated fields is one of the best new features and is indispensable for simple calculations. Keyword here is simple. Range of functions available in calculated fields is limited (though it continues to expand from release to release). One of the “traditional” methods to add calculated field is to add a simple field and then create […]
Tip #453: Tipster guide to calculated fields
It’s Friday, Karl, Friday! That means, instead of our fingers, we let our magnificent voices do the talking. This video explores Dynamics CRM calculated fields feature. It demonstrates how to perform basic field calculations on an entity, how to use some to the date functions available, and how to populate data from other entities. In […]
Tip #429: Calculating with empty fields

Calculated fields are all the rage, it seems. Today’s tip is from the Lego land, and it does look that CRM people over there do have very long daylight hours to come up with awesome tips. Plus their names look cool. See for yourself, passing the baton to Stig “Not that Stig” Højmark Jensen. Hi Tippers […]
Tip #400: Calculate the difference between two dates
CRM 2015 Update 1 introduces some new calculated field formulas. One of the most exciting additions is the DiffinDays function. This function calculates the difference between two date fields in days. So if you want to see the length of time that a record, like a case, has been open, you now can do it […]
Tip #378: Using Calculated Fields To Work Around Field Restrictions
Free book idea for aspiring CRM authors out there: “1001 uses for calculated fields.” (We’ve already written a few, you can take this one). I’m continually amazed by the novel uses for calculated fields that go beyond the obvious uses. Latest example–working around crazy field limitations. Consider the following example: We have an opportunity configuration […]