Tip #888: Scratch the Surface – globalize your data

Puzzle globalization

Unless you’ve been living and working under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the Connected Field Services. One of the important pieces of the infrastructure is something bundled under the generic term “databases”, referring to both Azure SQL and DocumentDB. Think of a storage for billions and trillions data points and you get the idea […]

Tip #886: Scratch the Surface – new age workflow


For years we’ve been whining about the workflow editor and rightly so. Can’t indent, can’t reorder, can’t copy, can’t paste. So many good man-hours lost in the battle against corrupted workflows… Every release we’ve been hoping for something better but to no avail. I suspect that the upcoming spring-make-it-late-summer release may too leave the workflow […]

Tip #721: Tale of a small change


Dynamics CRM does an excellent job hiding complexities of the relational design, solid data model, and friendly and consistent UX. Quite frequently CRM customizers and developers are the ones who’s paying the price. User advocate: We have a custom text field on the contact entity called Position but noticed that users type almost the same […]

Tip #631: Azure ML is coming to Dynamics CRM

Azure Machine Learning

One of the most exciting upcoming features in CRM Online is Azure Machine Learning integration (under In Preview): This release will introduce scenario-based Machine Learning (ML) integration with Azure ML for product cross-sell recommendations, and auto-suggest of relevant knowledge articles and case topic analysis. These scenarios are based on integration with Azure ML APIs for […]