Tip #1079: Security Design Principles

We have a lot of flexibility when it comes to security in Dynamics 365; field-level, record-level, hierarchy, ad hoc sharing and so on. Sometimes, depending on the requirements, there are a few ways to skin the cat (such a violent expression). Whenever you are presented with a range of options to solve a problem, it […]

Tip #1074: The minimum you need for an opportunity

Min max knob

I like to keep things simple and, sometimes, Dynamics’ in-built functionality make things complicated. Opportunities (and Leads) are a good example of this. There is no doubt Dynamics 365 is great choice for managing a sales pipeline but you need to find a balance between using all the functionality provided and keeping the system flexible […]

Tip #1068: How to Grant Access to Organization Insights

Back in my first TOTD post, I sung the benefits of Organization Insights. It is truly the administrator’s best friend. But what if a non-administrator wants in on the action? It turns out that, by default, the only two Security Roles that can see the Organization Insights dashboard are the System Administrator and System Customizer […]

Tip #1067: When two groups say “We want to hide our stuff but see everyone else’s”

Generally my policy is unless there is a REALLY good reason, all data in CRM should be shared. However, on rare occasion, there is a REALLY good reason. When you have one special group who want to hide their, say, Activities from everyone else, a well-placed Business Unit will do the job (either have one […]

Tip #1047: When in Doubt, Go Global (With Option Sets)

This is a lesson I have learned the hard way so take my bitter experiences and consider it wisdom derived from idiocy. The lesson is simple. When creating an option set, unless you are ABSOLUTELY certain you do not need to, make it a global one. Even if you are absolutely certain, make it global […]

Tip #1040: Why Can We Stack Values in Workflow?

Back in the days when George Doubinski used configuration, he talked about using constants in workflows.However, this is only the tip of the configuration iceberg. Just above our Default Value box we can stack values for insertion into our field. What does it mean to stack the values and what happens when we do? When […]