Tip #901: Restricting access to your instance revisited

Access restrictions

We’ve been hosting Dynamics CRM/365 instances for our customers since CRM 4 days but lately they have been moving to Dynamics 365 Online in drones (awesome – now I can sleep at night!). Some have been hesitant because we were using geo-restrictions for their instances (implemented in a supported way). Digging into why it was […]

Tip #900: Check custom roles if users can’t see the app

Role play and theater masks

This tip is from Rocky “Road” Sharma. What if you watched the video on App Designer, applied custom security roles to your app and now your users can’t see the App? If you are using custom security roles and create Dynamics 365 Apps for teams/departments in your organisation, the app may not appear in the […]

Tip #899: If email gets rejected check for duplicate addresses

Duplicate stamp

tl;dr When incoming email gets rejected, check if you have records in mail-enabled entities (contacts, accounts, queues, and system users OOB) using the same email address. I’ve done this today Set up a hybrid server-side sync for a customer. (There are some gaps in the docs, this is a recommended reading companion.) Add a support […]

Tip #897: Alternate key, duplicate data, and solutions: part 2

Alternate key

The alternate key saga did attract some attention and we received the definite say from Brandon Simons, who’s probably as close to the proverbial Dynamics 365 metal as it gets. tl;dr Alternate keys can be in an inactive state when the definition is created but the unique index is not. These pending keys can be […]

Tip #891: Video Guide to Live Assist Configuration Options


In this video, we look at some of the different configuration options that are available through the admin portal for Café X. Give us your feedback, all of it: good, bad, and ugly, I’m sure we can take it. Suggest new topics either in comments or by sending your ideas to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. Don’t forget to […]

Tip #890: Scratch the Surface – Adaptive Cards


Data visualizations have received their fair share of discussions at Microsoft Build 2017. One particular project did catch my attention – Adaptive Cards. What are Adaptive Cards Adaptive Cards are an open card exchange format enabling developers to exchange UI content in a common and consistent way. Why is it important to us? In Dynamics […]

Tip #889: Become Adobe Marketing Cloud Solutions expert


We’ve known for more than 6 months that Microsoft has selected Adobe as its preferred marketing service for Dynamics 365 Enterprise. While solution details are still sketchy, the good news is that you can already start your journey to become an expert in Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions, long before the integration is released. If you […]

Tip #888: Scratch the Surface – globalize your data

Puzzle globalization

Unless you’ve been living and working under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the Connected Field Services. One of the important pieces of the infrastructure is something bundled under the generic term “databases”, referring to both Azure SQL and DocumentDB. Think of a storage for billions and trillions data points and you get the idea […]

Tip #886: Scratch the Surface – new age workflow


For years we’ve been whining about the workflow editor and rightly so. Can’t indent, can’t reorder, can’t copy, can’t paste. So many good man-hours lost in the battle against corrupted workflows… Every release we’ve been hoping for something better but to no avail. I suspect that the upcoming spring-make-it-late-summer release may too leave the workflow […]