Tip #847: Web chat is now available

Women Telephone Operators at Work

Technically, it is called “Live Assist for Dynamics 365 Powered by CaféX” (hands up who prefers “Web Chat”) and is now available on AppSource. Full details of the announcement are available. As per AppSource guidelines, there is a free trial and a video walkthrough. This app will allow you to embed web chat operator panel […]

Tip #837: How to find out what’s new in portals

Portal gun

Wanted to know what’s in the latest Microsoft Portals release but were afraid to ask? Fear no more and point your browser to a kb article Portal Capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Releases. Now we only need to pursuade the other teams like Field Services and PSA to do the same. And I’m out of […]

Tip #834: Avoiding SQL Server timeouts when deleting records

Night raid

Once upon a time, CRM wouldn’t delete records when you pressed the kill switch. It would mark the records for deletion and quietly eradicate them in the darkness of the night. But, hey, the said, we now have better servers, they said, and our SQL Servers are much smarter, they said, and gave us a […]

Tip #832: Dynamic does not work in sandbox

Sandbox Club

Dynamic not DynamicS. The reference is to dynamic keyword making C# developer’s life easier since 2010. As Rickard “Ikea Frysta Köttbullar” Norström has discovered, the following code works in a sandbox on-premises but spits the dummy in Dynamics 365 Online environment. Not all sandboxes were created equal, it seems. Avoiding dynamic and using explicit cast […]

Tip #831: Avoiding pain when renewing certificates in AD FS

Queue to renew

Expiring certificate for https://adfs.contoso.com, you say? Considering Let’s Encrypt goodness, that should be easy to fix, right? Import new certificate (make sure to include private key) Grant permission to AD FS service account to read the private key Open AD FS manager, navigate to AD FS > Service > Certificates Click Set Service Communications Certificate… and […]

Tip #821: Troubleshoot Xrm.Tooling connection to Dynamics 365


We’ve long been recommending the use of CrmServiceClient in your applications that connect to Dynamics 365. But what to do when the client just wouldn’t connect? The easiest way to start troubleshooting connectivity to Dynamics 365 is to run LoginControlTester.exe that has long been part of the SDK and can be found in <SDK>\Bin folder. […]

Tip #820: Running multiple USD instances

Multiple instances illustration

If you ever tried to run Unified Service Desk more than once, you’d be very familiar with this message: Why would one want to run multiple instances? It’s handy during the development and testing to try various deployment scenarios, compare the look of a deployment after configuration changes, and connect to different organizations at the […]