Tip #946: Online Management API for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is here

Remote control

Today is a good day if you care about development, and ALM in particular. I’ll be paraphrasing Matt “SDK Deity” Barbour in this post but the news is too big to spend time prettifying it. What is it? It’s a REST API that lets you create and manage Customer Engagement instances in your Office 365 […]

Tip #945: If Dynamics 365 seems to be broken, check browser extensions

Extension cord fire

If a user experiences some odd and unusual Dynamics 365 behavior, it could be due to the browser “plugins” that are known as Chrome extensions, Firefox add-ons, and Edge extensions alike. Recently I installed AdBlock and Privacy Badger and found that I cannot effectively access Dynamics 365 / CRM without disabling these extensions. That seems […]

Tip #944: Flow just got more expressive

Emotions and expressions

Just as we learned that Flow users now have a graduation path to the Logic Apps, the team has released another awesome feature blurring the gap between the two. Flow now has Expression tab that allows some data manipulation as part of an Action. Simplest scenarios include date and string manipulations; thrill seakers can self-inflict […]

Tip #938: Talent is now generally available

Dance talent

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent is now generally available (GA). Visit https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/talent and sign-up for a free 60-day test drive of Dynamics 365 for Talent. Dynamics 365 for Talent is quite important from technical perspective – I believe that it’s the first fully-fledged app built entirely on CDS platform. The first drop may not deliver […]

Tip #927: Duplicates when merging

Merging illustration

When you merge two records you may receive the following cryptic message: A record that has the attribute value {1} already exists. The entity key {0} requires that this set of attributes contains unique values. Select unique values and try again What? Select where? That’s really confusing because the merge process is supposed to ignore […]

Tip #920: Smart licensing with dual use rights

Penny savvy

One of the key features of Dynamics 365 is the choice of the deployment platform: go online, on-premises or partner-hosted. With Dynamics 365 Online leading the way, licensing has evolved beyond simplistic “pay-per-server-plus-cal” model of the past. For penny savvy customers, the recommended bedside reading is Dynamics 365 On-Premises Enterprise Edition Licensing Guide. If you […]

Tip #911: Developers, start planning for new features

Code developer

If you are a developer, deprecated Dynamics 365 features are not the only ones to watch out for. Much shinier and more exciting is the list of what’s coming in July 2017 (a.k.a. Spring) Update. This is a very short summary what I think we should be paying close attention to, you’ll notice slightly rearranged […]