Tip #1339: The easiest CDS/Dynamics 365/CRM connection ever

Question I need to write a small console app that can authenticate to an online CRM instance with multi-factor authentication turned on. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this? Stephen Smith We’ve been through the topic of connections a few times before but this conversation is just too good […]

Tip #1312: View process history from Unified Interface forms

Tipster note–this tip is an unsupported tip. It’s not going to damage anything, but it is unsupported and may stop working with future updates. Proceed at your own risk. So you have moved to unified interface, but you want to be able to see the process and workflow history for a record. Microsoft has not […]

Tip #1310: Using Flow to test concurrency

A number of silver wind pipes lined up in parallel

Today’s tip is from Shidin ‘D365fanboi’ Haridas – thank you! Got a tip of your own? Why won’t you send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com when you have a minute? Now, over to Shidin. Most CRM implementations, at some point, would have required to implement a bespoke auto-numbering system. However, testing the custom built auto-numbering solution end-scenarios, […]

Tip #1308: Secret support in SDK

A woman holding finger to the lips in a shoosh gesture

We usually don’t “tip” about SDK releases but just landed in Nuget and it is too good not to be mentioned. By popular demand, support for not one but two new authentication types have been added: Current User ID login when using Online flows with OAuth (Including constructor/connection string support). This allows you to […]

Tip #1278: This message never ends

Brown and white beagle puppy sitting and waiting next to a resting bicycle

Sometimes even the best of the best could be puzzled by the mysterious innerworkings of Dynamics 365/CDS SDK. Tanguy “The XRM Toolbox” Touzard was not having a good day… For one of my projects, I’m using ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest SDK message to move records from one team to another team. When this request should last more than […]

Tip #1270: Table or view is not full-text indexed

Small green figurine of a toy t-rex

Today’s tip is from Marius Agur Hagelund “Viking” Lind (actually, I’m confused, perhaps it’s Marius “Viking” Agur Hagelund Lind?). Got a tip of your own? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. Cannot use CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed Mean SQL Server If you’ve ever got this error […]

Tip #1255: Say hello to PowerApps Component Framework

A disassembled electronic device parts on a table

At long last we have that abbreviation sorted out. CCF PCF or PowerApps control Component Framework a.k.a. Goodbye Web Resources is now available for public preview. It sounds grand and does hold the promise of changing the way we extend PowerApps, both model-driven and canvas. Read the announcement conveniently placed within the new PowerApps Component […]