Tip #917: Too many business units

Microsoft org chart

Someone recently asked me what I thought of someone adding 1,000 + business units to Dynamics 365. I told them it was a bad idea. Here’s why: Business units are like large granite rocks–they are designed to be permanent and infrequently moved. While users can be moved between business units, it is not a trivial […]

Tip #913: Searching within attachments

Search inside

Recently on the Dynamics CRM Facebook group, Rana Potter asked if it was possible to search within attachments from CRM. The winning answer came from Niran Belliapa: If you are using Dynamics 365 Online and have the December 2016 update you can use the Relevance search feature. You’ll find search results for text in a document […]

Tip #906: Pets are dangerous

Kyle the dog from Descpicable me

You move into a new CRM system and you found a cute new feature. You love that feature–it is your favorite feature, and you adopt it. I call these features “pet” features–features that are viewed as significantly more important than anything else in the application. Some examples I’ve seen in real-world deployment pets include Connections, […]

Tip #905: Another option for delegate tracking


Filed under #CRMfeaturesweforgotabout Recently, we described some of the limitations of support for delegate tracking with server-side synchronization. There is one additional option that I neglected to mention that allows for the creation of appointments for other people from Outlook while using server-side synchronization, and may be another reason why you may not want to dump […]