Tip #1441: Owner is a user is a team

Team members

WARNING: Niche L400 tip ahead. tl;dr If you’re expect primary column name to be tablename + “id“, add an exception for systemuser and team tables – both will come back as ownerid in custom API. L400 If custom API has an output property of type EntityReference then, for example, for account (or any other “normal”) table, the […]

Tip #430: Read Only Users and CRM for Outlook

So you have users that have a read only/limited user access type. But you want to have them use CRM for Outlook to provide consistent user interface with your other users for consistency in your training and user documentation. The problem, however, is that the configuration wizard for CRM for Outlook requires write access to CRM […]

Tip #326: Defaulting to “Existing” Opportunity Products

In Dynamics CRM 2013 and 2015, if you use the opportunity line item (opportunity products) subgrid, when you click the + sign, you get the choice to add an existing product or a write-in product. But sometimes you don’t want users to use write-in products. If the users must sell something from the price list, […]

Tip #213: Add a subgrid of related security roles to the user or team form

In a comment on Tip 211: When upgrading, don’t forget the team form, Pebo asked “what about the possibility for showing roles in subgrids of teams and user forms?” This is a great question, and we have an answer. First, you need to understand security roles in Dynamics CRM. There is not just one record for […]

Tip #179: How to change CRM Online password

Demo user account record in CRM

Concerned about bleeding heart’s effects and decided to change your CRM password from pass@word1 to something a bit more robust? Nothing could be easier, right? Right, unless you are not an administrator and you have only CRM license assigned in which case instructions do not apply simply because mentioned menu is not there! “Easy”, say […]

Tip #142: Piggyback customer’s CRM for support

If you are a solution provider, CRM consultant or ISV, most likely you provide support to end-users in some shape or form. That includes collecting bug reports and feedback from the users. Extend your solution and include one or two additional entities, starting, for example, with Product Feedback and Bug Report, so that users do […]