Tip #644: Async Dynamics CRM awaits you

Hanging minesweeper

Gayan “Performance Wizard” Perera hates waiting. Be smart, be like Gayan. For anyone who’s been waiting to get async/await support for the CRM SDK, you can now get a simple extension class from https://github.com/NZxRMGuy/crmsdk-async The downside with my one is that it’s a wrapper around the sync method – some people do frown upon this […]

Tip #639: I shall call him Squishy

I shall call him Squishy

Selecting a good name for an organization in CRM On-premises has always been a challenge especially when you automate provisioning of your CRM organizations. At least one would hope that the chosen name would stick. However, our special correspondent Mehmet “Sputnik” Ozdemir reports from the trenches that organizationid and name fields in the organization entity […]

Tip #618: Mute power or powerless voice

Voice of the Customer breaks PowerBI

If you’ve been following our Voice of the Customer videos, you may have been tempted to install the solution and try it for yourself. For those of you using PowerBI to do some cool reporting on your CRM data, a timely word of warning from Jukka “Survivor” Niiranen: Currently there’s a known issue with the […]

Tip #609: Higher SQL compatibility level does not mean better

Gayan “Performance Wizard” Perera continues to live up to his nickname with another awesome performance tip. tl;dr Beware setting the SQL database compatibility level to a level higher than 110 on a CRM 2016 system. The scenario You have an entity with more than 5 secured fields. When the record is opened it either times […]