Tip #1341: Video guide to 2020 Wave 1: Time entry in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Traditionally, doing time entry in field service required customization of the application. In Wave 1 2020, time entry becomes a native feature of Field Service.

In today’s video tip, MVP’s Scott Lefante and Shawn Tabor show how to configure time entry, including how to automatically record time from work orders.

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Tip #1340: Video guide to Wave 1: Next generation schedule board in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Dynamics 365 2020 Wave 1 includes a major makeover for the schedule board. In today’s video tip, MVP’s Shawn Tabor and Scott Lefante show how the new board loads faster, is more accessible for people with visual challenges, and makes users more productive.

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Tip #1339: The easiest CDS/Dynamics 365/CRM connection ever


I need to write a small console app that can authenticate to an online CRM instance with multi-factor authentication turned on. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?

Stephen Smith

We’ve been through the topic of connections a few times before but this conversation is just too good to pass.

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Tip #1338: Video guide to 2020 Wave 1: Enhanced work hours calendar in Field Service

Dynamics 365 2020 Wave 1 introduces a more modern work hour calendar that makes it much easier to quickly update your employees work hours for field service.

In today’s video, Business Applications MVP’s Shawn Tabor and Scott Lefante demonstrate how to update work hours in the new work hour calendar.

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Tip #1336: Find your plan in Power Platform

So you want to build a model-driven app or use CDS or some other premium feature. Your boss tells you that you have Power Apps and Flow access. However, you need to know if it is just the version that comes with Office 365 or “full” Power Apps or Power Automate. How can you tell what you have?

The easiest way, without logging in to Microsoft 365 or the Azure portal, is to log in to Power Apps or Power Automate.

Click the gear in the upper right hand corner.

Select Plan(s)

This will tell you what license plans you have.

Thanks MVP Rebekka Aalbers-de Jong for the tip! Send your tips to jar@crmtipoftheday.com.

Cover photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Tip #1333: Video Guide to 2020 Wave 1: Enhanced Email Experience in Dynamics 365

The enhanced email experience (originally a preview feature in 2019 Wave 2) allows users to multi-task while they compose emails, navigating to other records while they write an email. This feature can only be turned on in the Sales Hub app, but once you turn it on, it can be used from any model-driven app.

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Tip #1332: Open forms as a dialogs in model-driven apps

Today’s tip comes from Eric Regnier. You can send your tips to jar@crmtipoftheday.com.

One of the small but awesome new features in 2020 Wave 1 are the modal dialogs. In many implementations, common feedback we hear from customers is around UX with too many clicks or navigation between screens. With this new feature, it enhances the UX by enabling the ability of creating and editing data in forms without navigating away. And it’s available for early access so check it out!

This can be achieved by using Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo function. You can use it to create new or update existing records. Here’s an example:

{  pageType:"entityrecord", 
  target: 2, 
  position: 1, 
  width: {value: 80, unit:"%"}

What’s even better is that the code above will work currently but will open the record in a new window instead of modal.  So you can prep your code now and will work seamlessly when Microsoft releases it 🙂

Bonus tip: Suggest to use the left side position (parameter position = 2) to have a consistent behavior with the quick create forms. So both edit record or create new (quick create) will open on the left panel.


Cover photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels