Developing user experience is a complex iterative process and it usually takes few iterations to get things right. Unified Interface is no exception. Some things are brilliant and some, uhm, require further work. The good news is that changes are coming. The “bad” news that they are coming very, very soon so it’d be a […]
Tip #1165: Consider Dynamics for More Than Just External Interactions
I just started a new job with PowerObjects. One thing you notice when you start a new job is how companies do things differently. In this case, it is how they manage their internal processes. Being exclusively focused on Dynamics, pretty much every employee is familiar with the product so it makes sense to use […]
Tip #1163: Set App Home Page
In classic UI we always had a personal option to set the starting point by selecting Default Pane and Default Tab. That option is no longer there in Unified Inteface so what do we do? The helpful tip today comes from Mihir Shah (and you can send your tips to too!): As we have […]
Tip #1158: Be very selective in the grid
As I was discussing the workaround for the N:N regression bug, I noticed that some of the users, especially those switching from classic UI, are somewhat confused how to disassociate the records in the Unified Interface. The UI can be, indeed, a bit confusing, especially when the viewport is small and the subgrid switches to […]
Tip #1151: Name that web client
With so many upcoming and constantly changing features in the world of Dynamics 365/CRM, it’s no wonder that even the best of us are getting confused when it comes to naming things. Regardless of what interface is chosen, it all looks like a web client Mark “Globetrotting Kiwi” Smith: Currently what I hear used is […]
Tip #1150: Does your CRM pass the WIFY test?
When deploying Dynamics 365, and important question to as is What’s In it For You (WIFY). For each role — salesperson, csr, marketing, technician, what is the “why” for that user that will drive their adoption of the system. If you cannot clearly answer that question, there is a strong chance that the adoption of […]
Tip #1111: Fake mobile devices
When Scott “Mr Ribbon Workbench” Durow was delivering his “Typescript or Die” presentation at CRMUG EMEA last month, he stunned the audience by showing his phone right on the screen without any pairing. He tricked everyone, of course; I don’t believe he even has an iPhone. Turns out, Google Chrome has a not-so-obvious menu when […]
Tip #1110: Don’t let your workflow emails go to waste
What is your first reaction when you receive email like this one Let’s see. Comes from someone with the name “Workflow”, has attachment and no body text, and refers to financial matters (payment advice/invoice/quote). Delete? Delete! Out of curiosity I did peek into the email just to see what kind of nasty attachment they sent […]
Tip #1102: Use hatch style in your charts and dashboards if you have color blind employees
One of the silent minorities in business are color blind people. Since dashboards rely on color coding to tell the different series apart, decoding those charts can be challenging for some users. Now, the palette of colors that comes out-of-the-box are generally chosen so people who have a form color blindness will still be able […]
Tip #1101: Add a scale break to charts
Whenever you have a chart that combine very high and very low values, it can be difficult to assess individual columns. For these situations, you can add a scale break to the chart. Adding a scale break gives you a better view of how the comparative segment are doing against each other, but you will […]