Tip #911: Developers, start planning for new features

Code developer

If you are a developer, deprecated Dynamics 365 features are not the only ones to watch out for. Much shinier and more exciting is the list of what’s coming in July 2017 (a.k.a. Spring) Update. This is a very short summary what I think we should be paying close attention to, you’ll notice slightly rearranged […]

Tip #854: Beware of Using Xrm Client Functions As Callbacks

Today’s tip comes from the tipper who, despite his affinity with Microsoft Flow, earned his place amongst the real developers fair and square, and who is now known as Daryl “Always Raising” LaBar. Daryl, you have the floor Writing clean code is constantly at the for-front of developers, and usually, “less” code generally results in […]

Tip #832: Dynamic does not work in sandbox

Sandbox Club

Dynamic not DynamicS. The reference is to dynamic keyword making C# developer’s life easier since 2010. As Rickard “Ikea Frysta Köttbullar” Norström has discovered, the following code works in a sandbox on-premises but spits the dummy in Dynamics 365 Online environment. Not all sandboxes were created equal, it seems. Avoiding dynamic and using explicit cast […]

Tip #827: Restricting date picker on portal forms

The image displays the Aztec calendar stone, also known as the Sun Stone, featuring intricate carvings. The calendar is a large circular stone with detailed mythological and astronomical engravings that played a significant role in the Aztec civilization. The central face of the sun god Tonatiuh appears at the center, surrounded by elaborate designs that represent different periods of time and the cosmos according to Aztec beliefs. The stone is showcased against a plain backdrop, emphasizing its historical and cultural significance.

This tip comes directly from none other than Tanguy “The XRM Toolbox” Touzard himself. It’s super easy to build an entity form and a page to allow editing of the Dynamics 365 records in a portal. But what if we want to restrict a date picker control to a certain range, which could be dynamic, […]

Tip #821: Troubleshoot Xrm.Tooling connection to Dynamics 365


We’ve long been recommending the use of CrmServiceClient in your applications that connect to Dynamics 365. But what to do when the client just wouldn’t connect? The easiest way to start troubleshooting connectivity to Dynamics 365 is to run LoginControlTester.exe that has long been part of the SDK and can be found in <SDK>\Bin folder. […]

Tip #810: Using Fiddler with Xrm Tooling

Old violin

Sometimes it’s very useful to see what requests are flying forth and back between your code and Dynamics 365. The tool of trade is, of course, Fiddler. Fiddler allows https traffic analysis by using man-in-the-middle interception using self-signed certificates. If you are using Xrm Tooling and, specifically, CrmServiceClient then you quickly find that the following code: […]

Tip #798: CrmServiceClient and multiple instances

Reduce reuse recycle

If you are using Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient and relying on nuget to reference the assembly in your project (as you should) then you need to be aware of what seems to be an odd behavior but is, in fact, a bug fix. Run the following code: And get: Wait a minute, what? Same user and org? Despite […]