Tip #479: Don’t track emails from automated sources

So you get the notification from Skype for Business that you have a voicemail. Track it in CRM so that the voicemail will be associated with the person who sent it to you, right? Not so fast. When you track an email from an automated source, such as voicemail notifications, the network scanner, or other […]

Tip #476: Make your lookup pretty and useful

Add extra columns to lookup view

Bonjour, comment ça va! CRM Tip Of The Day is going international and today’s guest is Clément “Bienvenue chez Lagny-le-Sec” Marty Clément continues our stream of tips about lookups and, being French, succinctly explains how to make them prettier and more useful at the same time. If the principal attribute (the name of the record, […]

Tip #471: What will stop your form from closing

Failed import using business rule

tl;dr Setting data validation error on the form level with Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification call will NOT stop form from closing, setting errors on individual controls with Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).setNotification, on the other hand, will. To achieve even better results, use business rule instead of the javascript. Slightly longer version Friend of mine pinged me to help with the script […]

Tip #422: Search faster by searching less

Ultimate search

I’d like to be able to search contacts by first name and last name. And middle name. And birthday. And employee id. While you’re at it, add spouse name, comments, city, country, phone number (all of them) and freight terms. So, what a smart CRM consultant to do? Open Quick Find Active Contacts view and […]