Tip #58: Reset the Command Bar

If you upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and you find that one of the Command Bar buttons don’t work, reset the ribbon for the entity. Create a solution that just includes the entity with the button that isn’t working correctly and export from CRM. Extract the customization zip file. Open the customization.xml file in the editor […]

Tip #55: How to make your time control look nice on BPF ribbon

Wrapped time control on BPF ribbon

If you have a date/time attribute as part of your Business Process Flow, you may notice that the time dropdown does not quite fit on BPF ribbon: Currently there is no solution to the problem, but there is a simple workaround: change your personal time format to a 24 hours format. Click on the Settings […]

Tip #48: Update process flow for existing records

So you decided to follow tip 46 and use process flows instead of the sales stage field. How do you update your existing records? If you open a closed opportunity, for example, the record (and the process flow stage) will be non editable. First, understand how the process and stage are stored on the record. if […]

Tip #47: Simple multi-select lists in CRM 2013

Multi-select lists in CRM 2013

There is no out of the box support for multi-select pick lists in Dynamics CRM but since the latest UI improvements in CRM2013 you can use a standard N:N Relationship with form sub-grid to get a most respectable multiple selection form field. For example, if we wanted a ‘Languages Spoken’ pick list on a Contact […]