Tip #408: “Value cannot be null” when configuring Outlook Client

Recently we found that users in a specific CRM environment could not configure CRM for Outlook. The error message returned by the configuration wizard was “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: String.” Client trace showed the following: >Failed to refresh entry. Exception Microsoft.Crm.Application.SMWrappers.InvalidOrganizationIdException: Invalid OrganizationId “e79c824a-fee4-40cf-9a2f-fb79112be8b6”.    at Microsoft.Crm.Application.SMWrappers.ClientOrganizationContextFactory .Get(Guid organizationId)    at Microsoft.Crm.Application.SMWrappers.ClientOrganizationContextFactory .Microsoft.Crm.IOrganizationContextFactory.GetOrganizationContext(Guid […]

Tip #320: You have it all backward (compatible)

Backward compatibility is taken by CRM team very seriously. Another good example of this, sometimes insane, compatibility is how CRM treats URLs. The ability to open any form or view in CRM 4.0, and also dialogs, reports and dashboards in CRM Online and CRM 201x is an awesome way to create mashups, and for an […]

Tip #309: Dynamics CRM Organizational Settings Editor

Export to Excel more than 10,000 records

Do you need to make changes in the deep reaches of your CRM configuration that aren’t available through the CRM administration panel? Well there is a solution out there on Codeplex that you can import into your CRM 2011/2013 environment as a managed solution. This utility allows you to edit your settings without the use […]