Tip #431: Avoid Silverlight when living on the Edge

If you ever wondered whether the move of CRM development team under Scott Guthrie is a good idea, now we have the proof. That’s right, details about the support for the upcoming versions of OS, browser and Office have already emerged. Some vigilantes, like Jason “Scintillating” Lattimer, have kept their cool heads and pointed out […]

Tip #422: Search faster by searching less

Ultimate search

I’d like to be able to search contacts by first name and last name. And middle name. And birthday. And employee id. While you’re at it, add spouse name, comments, city, country, phone number (all of them) and freight terms. So, what a smart CRM consultant to do? Open Quick Find Active Contacts view and […]

Tip #420: If your child workflow needs more than one entity

Gaytime Multipack

CRM workflows always require an entity to run. But what if you’d like to create a child workflow but need more than one entity or additional parameters? For example, while identifying the business opportunities for a professional photographer, you may want to invoke a workflow called Book the ceremony that involves two people. Let’s assume […]

Tip #419: How to sign out from ADFS in one click

Incorrect login

Single CRM installation is capable of hosting multiple organizations. As administrator, you probably have some test accounts handy to login as normal users. Many + many sometimes does not end up well: This is what you see when you do have an Active Directory login but it’s not mapped into this organization. “That’s cool”, I […]

Tip #412: CRM by proxy

tl;dr For CRM application proxying, load balancing and other magic like IP filtering, use Application Request Routing. To securely publish ADFS and CRM servers to the internet, use Web Application Proxy. Eye-watering details If you’ve been following our posts on inventive use of ARR, you know that this technique is specific to IIS. If you […]

Tip #410: How to create non-interactive user while saving foot from injury

Non-interactive users (available in CRM Online only) are defined as the users that “… can access the system but only through the Web service”. That makes them perfect for use as integration accounts. That and a small fact that they do not consume a CRM license (in quantities five or less). To create non-interactive user […]