Tip #1374: Safely remove search box from subgrid

Royal Naval Reserve nurses at work in the operating theatre

Today’s tip is from AK. (Be like AK, and send your next awesome tip to jar@crmtipoftheday.com). Adding a subgrid to model-driven form in the maker portal brings the search box which takes an extra row. If you want to hide it, you may tempt to switch to classic and clear the Display search box. Don’t […]

Tip #1372: Synchronous Power Automate Flow on create/update of a record

Today’s tip is indirectly from Alex Shlega. Alex is very thorough in his writing so I was a bit surprised that his answer to running a synchronous flow from a webhook was a ‘no’. The reason cited was that CDS “execution pipeline” won’t wait for the Flow completion. Well, it will indeed not, but only […]

Tip #1370: Handle RemoteExecutionObject in Power Automate

When we talked about triggering Power Automate on Associate/Disassociate, I did set aside the task of “dealing with horrendous serialization”. Short version: it’s a RemoteExecutionObject that is serialized in the message and every DataCollection property is serialized as an array of objects with the key and value properties. Fair enough. But in the jsonified world […]

Tip #1367: Tell apart create, update, and delete events

It’s not every day one gets to chime in on a post from Jerry, the lifetime tipster and Power Automate connoisseur. In this post Jerry talks about When a record is created, updated, or deleted trigger in CDS (current environment) connector and how to tell the event that triggered the flow using a clever combination […]

Tip #1362: Trigger Power Automate on Associate / Disassociate

Many to many relationships are everywhere, from good old marketing lists to web roles in Power Apps portals. The secret sauce is in the little hidden intersect entity holding the relationship together, those of you who used FetchXml Builder from XrmToolBox to craft a query, are very familiar with. The messages to control the relationship […]