Tip #1182: The Tool Every Developer Needs (Even The Ones Who Don’t Use Code)

Whether your weapons are JavaScript and Plugins, or Processes and Flows,  there is a tool you should pick up before going anywhere near the keyboard. That is, of course, the pen. This is a lesson I learned while at university with my computing lecturer insisting we write out our code before committing it to the […]

Tip #1173: Who needs VBA? Skype for Business, that’s who!

Angry man in a foetus position

This post has soooo nothing to do with Dynamics, it’s not even funny. You know what else is less funny than not funny? When you have 20 minutes before an important Skype for Business session where you’re presenting but any attempt to upload the presentation is met with this: In case the picture is too […]

Tip #1125: Busy times and say .NYET to .NET

Busy hamsters

You probably have noticed a somewhat reduced stream of daily tips. “More like tip of the week now” you say and you’d be right. We’ve been extremely busy in the last couple of months: countless pints consumed in between awesome sessions at CRMUG EMEA in Dublin despite my inept organizational abilities, the inaugural BAD Masterclass […]

Tip #1078: Illustrated tipster guide to the decision making process


The binary choices seem to rule the Dynamics 365 landscape as of late. Everyone has an opinion, everyone seems to know the right way to do things, everyone stands by their choices until their last Dynamics breath. To stop very mature “did not – did to!” arguments when designing, building, and operating Dynamics 365 solutions, […]

Tip #964: Use latest language features

Food evolution

I often find that developers like comfort zones. They tend to use the constructs that they already know and are comfortable with. That includes language features as well. However, programming languages are evolving all the time and new features are introduced with every new release. Those features aren’t just cool, they make developer’s life much […]

Tip #890: Scratch the Surface – Adaptive Cards


Data visualizations have received their fair share of discussions at Microsoft Build 2017. One particular project did catch my attention – Adaptive Cards. What are Adaptive Cards Adaptive Cards are an open card exchange format enabling developers to exchange UI content in a common and consistent way. Why is it important to us? In Dynamics […]