Tip #1397: Reduce extra Power Automate runs and overcome trigger limitations

You know I’m a sucker for some open source goodness. This time the goodness is from Aiden “President” Kaskela. (Got something to share? Send your wares to jar@crmtipoftheday.com). The Common Data Service (Current Environment) trigger in Power Apps allows you to run your cloud flow when certain fields are updated, but there are two shortcomings: […]

Tip #1392: Missing entities in Power Automate

Missing piece

The classic “give me 5 minutes and I’ll whip a flow for you” did not start well. Users entity table was not there. Options Choices: It’s something trivial and I’m simply no longer worthy. ‘u’ is not an actual ‘u’ but Russian ‘и’ typed accidentally but in a weird font. It’s a UI bug It’s […]

Tip #1391: Content management in Power Apps portals

They said Power Apps portals are only good for building functionality. They said Power Apps portals can’t do content management. They said Power Apps portals do not support publishing cycle without taking pages offline. They. Were. Wrong. The Enabler Watch this video to learn how to use language feature in Power Apps portals to create […]

Tip #1379: App People vs. Flow People

Two brown goats with crossed horns

The wand picks the wizard Nick Doelman Too tired to read? Why wouldn’t you listen instead – t.j. It’s been my observation that with a few notable exceptions, people in the Power Platform community primarily focus on Power Apps or on Power Automate. Lots of people will use both, but generally people are more “app […]