Tip #1427: Single letter custom formats for dates in Power Automate cloud flows

Today’s tipster is Elaiza “What The Flow” Benitez. (And you can be a tipster too, just send your gem to jar@crmtipoftheday.com!) “Froyo Queen” Azure McFarlane mentioned in a birdie chat that she was having trouble with formatting the month value using the formatDateTime function in Power Automate cloud flows. She was attempting to only retrieve the month value without the […]

Tip #1426: Power Automate Gymnastics Reference Guide

Power Platform Tip of The Day presents: Power Automate expressions you didn’t know you needed until you found them. Everyone keeps a stash of useful Power Automate expressions in Notepad++, VS Code, EMacs, vi, or sticky notes if you don’t know what any of the above mean. Good citizens and developers (Amey “ABC” Holden, Antti […]

Tip #1424: The user does not have sufficient access right to run flow with custom connector

I’ve tried all the right things: Created, deployed, and configured custom connector into the target environment before importing the solution that uses the connector. All tests pass. Created a manual Power Automate flow as part of the solution. Shared the flow with the user (should not need to for the solution flows but just in […]

Tip #1418: In-app notifications in model-driven apps

Welcome to inaugural video shorts where all human knowledge is compressed into the bites of 60 seconds or less, to be consumed while waiting for the paint to dry. In this episode we help Lisa to enable in-app notifications in model-driven Power Apps without any code using a freshly baked XrmToolBox tool by Ivan Fricko. […]

Tip #1417: Power Excel in SharePoint

You’ve seen us in Tip #1415 doing some Microsoft Graph abracadabra to call Excel functions directly from Power Automate. To do that we use Excel spreadsheet located on OneDrive for Business. Documentation mentions in passing that “You can use Microsoft Graph to allow web and mobile applications to read and modify Excel workbooks stored in […]

Tip #1408: When tomorrow comes in Power Automate

Letters from Scrabble game arranged to spell "You said tomorrow yesterday"

Ever wondered how to use Dataverse date filters like “Today” or “Tomorrow” when listing records in Power Automate? Yes, plonking in the entire FetchXML with <condition attribute=”enabler_stamp” operator=”tomorrow” /> is one way to handle that. The other is to use query function Tomorrow in the filter: Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Tomorrow(PropertyName=’enabler_stamp’) Here’s the catch: “tomorrow” is relative. If you live anywhere west […]

Tip #1404: App secrets that last longer than 2 years

Pyramids Gardens, Al Haram, Egypt

Using service principals is the great way to ensure that Dataverse connections in your Power Automate flows are not user-dependent and nothing is going to break when the original creator’s account gets disabled. These are good step-by-step instructions: How to setup a Common Data Service Application User (and why) (I’ll give Nick Doelman a separate […]