Tip #1404: App secrets that last longer than 2 years

Pyramids Gardens, Al Haram, Egypt

Using service principals is the great way to ensure that Dataverse connections in your Power Automate flows are not user-dependent and nothing is going to break when the original creator’s account gets disabled. These are good step-by-step instructions: How to setup a Common Data Service Application User (and why) (I’ll give Nick Doelman a separate […]

Tip #1402: Why you should not use Microsoft Lists/SharePoint Lists for business-critical Power Apps

Long list of things to do before I die written by chalk on blackboard

SharePoint lists (and now Microsoft Lists) are an easy way to quickly create lists of data for use in a Power App. Makers can quickly create lists, add fields, and populate data for canvas apps. However, not all apps are equal from a complexity perspective. If the app is simple and contains data that is […]

Tip #1397: Reduce extra Power Automate runs and overcome trigger limitations

You know I’m a sucker for some open source goodness. This time the goodness is from Aiden “President” Kaskela. (Got something to share? Send your wares to jar@crmtipoftheday.com). The Common Data Service (Current Environment) trigger in Power Apps allows you to run your cloud flow when certain fields are updated, but there are two shortcomings: […]

Tip #1396: Multi-currency aggregates in Dataverse

tl;dr When using aggregates with multiple currencies make sure the business understands how the totals are calculated, how exchange rate is used, and why it’s a good idea to roll out your own calculations. Bring it on Multi-currency support has always been one of the staple features of …. eerrr … Dataverse since version … […]

Tip #1378: Update Common Data Service user photo from Office 365 profile

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I had things stolen from me, I gave things away on many occasions. But I never ever lost anything. What’s the secret? Time perception. I do not lose things, I only temporarily misplace them The Enabler Consider this. Last year I created a folder for all the good tips coming in from the fellow tipsters, […]

Tip #1367: Tell apart create, update, and delete events

It’s not every day one gets to chime in on a post from Jerry, the lifetime tipster and Power Automate connoisseur. In this post Jerry talks about When a record is created, updated, or deleted trigger in CDS (current environment) connector and how to tell the event that triggered the flow using a clever combination […]