Tip #1438: Turn on auto search for lookups

Search and rescue dog running across snow field

Today’s tip is from Amey “Anything But Code” Holden. You can drop your priceless tip into our tipping jar too, thank you very much! I (Amey, not me – t.j.) often see users struggle with the confusing behaviour of lookups in model-driven apps. Typical sketch from an average week of consulting with model-driven apps looks […]

Tip #1421: Hide form selector in model-driven apps

Everybody take a seat. Tanguy WiTouzard has the floor. (You can grab everyone’s attention too by sending your useful tip to jar@crmtipoftheday.com) Wizardry starts here I don’t know if it was published before but I just found out that we were able to remove “forms” from “form selector” using Javascript. It’s really useful when you […]