In Dynamics CRM 2013 or later, synchronized appointments send meeting invitation emails to meeting attendees when they are created or updated. This is a feature that was commonly requested by CRM users, but there are some scenarios where you may not want this to happen. Meetings created or updated after the meeting happens Some users […]
Tip #505: Set active — what’s it good for?

You may notice that in CRM 2015 Update 1, when you click to a different stage in the process flow, the “Next” button changes to “Set Active.” But you may also notice that it is grayed out and doesn’t do anything. The “Set Active” button is designed to allow users to jump back to an […]
Tip #492: Whatever happened to the “copy a link” button?

Remember me? Users of CRM 2015 may notice that the “Copy a Link” button no longer appears in CRM forms and views. Email a link does, but copy a link does not. The reason goes back to the introduction of cross browser compatibility late in the lifecycle of CRM 2011. Since all browsers do not […]
Tip #461: Getting started with that mysterious USD development

Not United States Dollars, I’m afraid. Unified Service Desk, the quite achiever in the Dynamics family, and the secret sauce to any successful call center implementation. In addition to having CRM (any version from 2013 SP1 up to CRM Online 2015 Update 1 will do), USD initial setup even for the development is very trivial: […]
Tip #460: Missing EmailAddress1 Field?

If your company has been upgraded to CRM 2015 and you do any type of bulk emailing to your clients and happen to do them to not only Contacts but Accounts also, you may be searching for an important piece of information. What’s the missing item? The Email address field (emailaddress1) was dropped off the […]
Tip #458: Tipster guide to Dynamics CRM App for Outlook
It’s Friday and CRM for Outlook is making its way into OWA. OWA, Karl! This video walks you through the new CRM App for Outlook that was released as a preview feature as part of the Dynamics CRM 2015 Spring Update 1. Derik shows you how to configure Exchange online to use the feature, how […]
Tip #457: Get your icons here
When adding custom entities to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, adding icons for you entities is an important fit and finish detail. However, finding the right icon in the right size can sometimes be a challenge. Here are two of my favorite resources for finding flat icons that generally look good in CRM 2015. Includes 2,500 […]
Tip #455: Upgrading CRM? Use server side Sharepoint
In case you missed it, with CRM 2015 update 1 (and later), server side SharePoint integration is supported for CRM online customers with SharePoint on premises. One additional detail you should not miss is that the grid control is now deprecated. This does not mean that it won’t work, but that it will be taken […]
Tip #454: Windows 10 Support for CRM
Support of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 on Edge browser will be available for CRM 2015 with Update 0.2 (7.0.2) and Update 1.1 (7.1.1) in September. And the support of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 will be introduced in Update Rollup 4 for Service Pack 1 (6.1.4). There is a known issue with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 […]
Tip #453: Tipster guide to calculated fields
It’s Friday, Karl, Friday! That means, instead of our fingers, we let our magnificent voices do the talking. This video explores Dynamics CRM calculated fields feature. It demonstrates how to perform basic field calculations on an entity, how to use some to the date functions available, and how to populate data from other entities. In […]