Tip #1351: Flows not triggering after environment copy

Today’s tip from Ankita Chavan – a good reminder to get your housekeeping in order while copying the environments. Got a tip of your own? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com! We were working on the full copy of data from UAT Environment to dev Environment and we were testing existing functionality. We found that flow was […]

Tip #1269: Oh crap, I lost my app

person's hand over brown floral field during daytime

So you decide to “refresh” your development environment with a copy of your production environment, but too late you discover that copying an environment over another one makes canvas apps and flows created in that environment go away. What should you do? Other than kicking yourself for not remembering to back up your app and […]

Tip #640: What happens if you don’t map all users

Must map system administrator

tl;dr Nothing fatal. You can relax. Details When organization database is restored and then imported into CRM Server, one of the wizard steps is the mapping dialog. The only requirement is to map your user account into at least one enabled user with system administrator privileges. That makes sense – we don’t want to end […]

Tip #389: Disable email profiles when copying organizations

Earlier this week we noticed that users were receiving some strange emails from our CRM online. These emails were from a workflow notification that we have sent out when a case is created, but the link included in the email was not a valid record in our CRM environment. In tracing where the problem started, […]