Tip #1228: Control default destination for you Dynamics 365 URL

Airport departures timetable showing Delta and Alaska Airlines flights on time and boarding

In some environments with Dynamics 365 v9, when you go to the URL for your Dynamics 365 URL you get the classic default app, while in others you get the Unified Interface app selector. To control this behavior, go to the Power Platform Admin Center , select Environments and select the desired environment. Click the […]

Tip #180: Don’t use that name

Microsoft Dynamics CRM restricts some words from being used for organization names. On Premises customers can find the list by running the following query: use mscrm_config select reservedname from reservednames The following is the restricted name list in CRM 2013: About Activities AdvancedFind api AppWebServices aspnet_client bi bin Biz Calendar Condition CRMReports CS dev Help […]