Tip #594: Handcrafting your dashboards

Void space on dashboard

Occasionally, dashboards in Dynamics CRM misbehave: The precise cause of misalignment is not clear, probably a rogue pixel miscalculation in the layout engine, manifesting itself when top right-hand corner listview is blank and the left one has multiple pages. Not all browsers are affected either – Edge turned out to be quite resilient, unlike IE, […]

Tip #554: Recently Visited Items in Outlook Client

One fantastic time saving feature in Dynamics CRM is recently visited items. In CRM in browser, if I click the drop-down arrow by an entity tile, I will see the recently viewed records for that entity. But what if I’m using CRM for Outlook? There is not drop-down to display the recently visited records. But […]

Tip #549: Cannot convert A into A

If you were playing with the uber-administrator’s way to create non-intractive users then you might have seen the following error: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘conn’. Cannot convert the “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient” value of type “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient” to type “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient”. Ugh? Say again? Cannot convert “A” to “A”? The other possible error gives away a bit more: […]

Tip #548: 64-bit Office & CRM – Go for it!

In years past the common practice when CRM professionals were asked by clients about installing 64-bit Office, the answer was clear “Don’t do it!”. First off there was little compelling reason to install 64 Bit Office as the only real application in the suite that took advantage of it was Excel. That common thinking has […]