Tip #342: Demystifying pop3/smtp for CRM Online

Access to gmail from unknown location

Having troubles creating server-side synchronization between CRM Online and pop3/smtp system? You are in the right place then. You may have read in the documentation that GMail and Yahoo are listed as supported pop3/smtp providers for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Although other POP3/SMTP systems may work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, those systems were not […]

Tip #341: Lean and mean UAT

SQL tables & space occupied

One of the most wildly accepted ways to refresh your test database is to copy/redeploy production database back into the test environment. (If you don’t have a test database, go and receive your Spießrutenlaufen, then come back and create the database; if you can still move, that is). Common issue with this approach, however, is […]

Tip #324: Open a record using just ID

Open CRM record using console

Joel recently has explained how to find a record using id. Cute, very cute. Text editors. What’s next, vim? Want to be a real developer? Repeat after me: Open CRM in IE Press F12 Click Console tab Type Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm(“entity name”,”record GUID”) Press <Enter> and behold Is this hands down the best method? Let’s see what […]

Tip #320: You have it all backward (compatible)

Backward compatibility is taken by CRM team very seriously. Another good example of this, sometimes insane, compatibility is how CRM treats URLs. The ability to open any form or view in CRM 4.0, and also dialogs, reports and dashboards in CRM Online and CRM 201x is an awesome way to create mashups, and for an […]