Tip #785: How to restore USD session


This question frequently comes up during the USD (Unified Service Desk, not $) projects and training sessions: what is the most effective way to save/restore the entire USD session? This functionality would enable some interesting scenarios, e.g. transfer the entire session from one user to another with the call transfer, or simply save a complicated […]

Tip #780: When trial is “sorry, that didn’t work”

I am so sorry

During the provisioning of new Dynamics 365 trial you may find yourself in the situation when provisioning process does not complete and you receive the “Sorry, that didn’t work” error message: Fubar symptoms include: Office portal works just fine CRM trial is actually provisioned and can be found under Billing > Subscriptions No CRM licenses […]

Tip #777: So long Microsoft.Xrm.Client and thanks for all the fish

So long and thanks for all the fish

At the beginning of the year we reported some ongoing issues with CrmServiceClient and recommended continuing use of Microsoft.Xrm.Client. The issues reported have been resolved and, as of now, there are no compelling reasons to use Microsoft.Xrm.Client. If you’re starting new project then the choice is trivial – simply use nuget packages for XrmTooling and […]

Tip #771: Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit is available

Good news for the developers – after long delays and missed Visual Studio releases, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit has been released as a free Visual Studio extension and is available for download. The first thing you’d want to do after the installation is to let the tool know where your tools live. Go to […]

Tip #770: Power to the users and developers with Chrome extension

Shoot yourself in a foot

If you are developer or power user, and don’t mind shooting yourself in a foot, check out Chrome Extension for Dynamics CRM Power users, available as a Chrome extension or as a birthday suit a.k.a. source code. Just some of our favorite features: God Mode. Makes all mandatory fields optional. Makes hidden fields/tabs/sections visible. Makes […]

Tip #769: Careful who you use as certificate authority

Fake certificate

Sometimes we need to call web services from a plugin or a custom workflow activity. For CRM Online it means calling it from the sandbox and there are certain restrictions that apply to the network access. These restrictions are clear and well understood, however, if you call service over https protocol, one addition restriction applies: […]

Tip #768: Avoid running out of memory when using CRM context

Low memory

When you process large data in your code, email attachments, for example, there is always a danger of running out of the available memory. Consider this code dealing with the email attachments: The danger here is running out of memory on retrieval of the file attached to the CRM notes. Even though from C# point […]