Tip #772: Snooping around plugins

Snoop DoggThis week is MVP Summit week and, since Joel is not around to keep me in check, I’m going wild with the useful tools recommendations.

Have you ever started building a new plugin and then hesitated with the question:

What the heck are those input parameters for the RetreiveMultiple message?

Wonder no more because Blake “MVP can be a hipster too” Scarlavai introduced me to what is going to be one of the most useful tools on my belt: CRM Snoop.

What is it?

CRM Snoop is Sonoma Partners’ proprietary application to help developers troubleshoot and debug plug-ins for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

There is not enough room on this page to describe all the goodness this tool can provide so go ahead, download and take it for a spin. You won’t be disappointed.

One thought on “Tip #772: Snooping around plugins

  1. EY says:

    There’s a new feature in 2016 called Plug-In Trace Log that might also be of interest for this – http://www.powerobjects.com/2016/07/05/debugging-your-plug-ins-with-the-plug-in-trace-log/

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